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Application of Xinanjiang Model to Flood Forecasting In Longyan Area

论文发布时间:[2010-04-20]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net

所有作者:Mohmed Abdallah Mohmed 张静怡 黄燕


论文摘要:The Xinanjiang Model is one of the better hydrological modeling used in flood forecasting as Rainfall runoff model to determine the flow in the areas of studies。 In this study the Xinanjiang rainfall runoff model was used to calculate the runoff in Longyan area in the western region of Fujian province and to determine the real time of flood occurrence。 The input data for this case study is the meteorological data which includes rainfall, runoff and potential evapotranspiration。 The results of this study are based on two evaluations measurement criteria, which are the error in volume and coefficient of determination。 The first criterion had obtained good results in various years of study in the range of 0。21% in 1992 to 13。45% in 1993 and the average value was 5。74%。 The Coefficient of determination criterion had also obtained reasonable results between 0。7030 in 1997 to 0。8578 in 1994 and the average value was 0。7146, except in 1996 the coefficient of determination was 0。3605, because this year had less value of precipitation amounts。 Generally, the real time of flood in the study area ranges between May and August。 The study also found that Xinanjiang rainfall runoff model was successful in modeling flood forecasting。

关键词: Xinanjiang model Catchment Calibration Validation Rainfall Runoff Potential evapotranspiration.

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