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论文发布时间:[2010-03-02]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net

所有作者:张文献 Bo Sun M. S. Chapman L. You


论文摘要:We propose to localize spin mixing dynamics in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate by a temporal modulation of spin exchange interaction, which is tunable with optical Feshbach resonance。 Adopting techniques from coherent control, we demonstrate the localization/freezing of spin mixing dynamics, and the suppression of the intrinsic dynamic instability and spontaneous spin domain formation in a ferromagnetically interacting condensate of $^{87}$Rb atoms。 This work points to a promising scheme for investigating the weak magnetic spin dipole interaction, which is usually masked by the more dominant spin exchange interaction。

关键词: 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚 自旋 量子调控


