所有作者:Ahmed Mohammed Osman anwar adam
作者单位:hohai university
论文摘要:Khashm Elgirba reservoir is located in the upper of Atbara River, which carries the bigest sediment volume of all the rivers in Sudan。 Due to the High rate of loss of reservoir storage capacity approximately about 55% from original capacity in 1990。 In this paper the sediment volume deposition in Khashm Elgirba reservoir has been estimated by using the Borland and miller (1958) method, and the results has been compared with the observation data in 1978, 1985 and 1990, and remaining capacity of the reservoir at 1990 at water level 473。2 m was 0。585 Mm3 and loss of storage capacity of the reservoir was 0。715 Mm3。
关键词: deposited sediment volume Khashm Elgirba reservoir storage capacity