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Implementation and Performance Evaluation of MFlood protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

论文发布时间:[2010-01-13]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net

所有作者:马利克 李春林 王博

作者单位:Wuhan University of Technology

论文摘要:In this paper, we adding MFlood protocol to NS2 and analyze the features and models of wireless network in details; discuss the simulation process and implementation of wireless network on the basis of NS2, also MFlood protocol and AODV protocol self-defined in wireless network。 Nam is used to display the process of simulation。 Gnuplot and Gawk Tools are used to produce plot data files and icons to clarify the communication process。 NS2 is a simulation tool designed specifically for communication networks。 The main functionalities of NS2 are to set up a network of connecting nodes and to pass packets from one node to another。 A detailed introduction to the design, implementation, and use of network simulation tools are presented。 The requirements and issues faced in the design of simulators for wired and wireless networks are discussed。 Abstractions such as packet- and fluid-level network models are covered。

关键词: network simulation MFlood protocol AODV protocol Ad Hoc network protocol analysis.

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