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Modeling Atrazine Sorption and Degradation in Soil Columns

论文发布时间:[2009-12-09]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net

所有作者:JohnLeju Celestino Ladu Thomas Oromo Henry Olache

作者单位:Hohai University, college of Hydrology and water Resources

论文摘要:Atrazine is relatively mobile in soil-water system and it associates with a variety of soil components such as organic matter。 Our present study focuses on atrazine sorption and degradation in soil column。 Batch experiments and soil column experiments were thoroughly studied。 To obtain sorption and degradation parameters, batch experiment were done with great amount of few soil samples。 The measured breakthrough curves from columns were fitted with CXTFIT model to get sorption and degradation parameters。 The study confirms that Atrazine application in soils may cause detrimental effect to groundwater due to its high mobility and long persistence in soil。 From the experiment carried out, the means of values got from batch equilibrium experiment were slightly related to obtained sorption parameters, whereas degradation experiments were lower than those obtain from column experiments。 The present experiment is useful for assessing the behavior of atrazine herbicide with soil and the important of analytical or numerical simulation models to predict the pesticides behavior in soil and its interaction with soil components such as organic

关键词: Atrazine batch experiment column experiment degradation sorption

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