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Formation, Structure, and Electric property of CaB4 Single Crystal Synthesized Under High Pressure

论文发布时间:[2009-12-25]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net

所有作者:柳忠元 韩宪越 于栋利 孙雅馨 徐波 周向峰 何巨龙 王慧田 田永君


论文摘要:Via the combination of theoretical and experimental investigations, we have synthesized the single crystal of pure calcium tetraboride (CaB4) under conditions of high pressure and high temperature。 The Temperature (T)—Pressure (P) phase diagram of Ca-B binary system has been obtained。 The recovered CaB4 after decompression of high pressure is characterized to have a ThB4-type tetragonal structure。 Both the calculated band structure and the measured temperature-dependent resistivity are indicative of the intrinsic metallic property of CaB4 in contrary to the hypothetical semiconducting behavior。

关键词: CaB4 Single Crystal Structure Electric property

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