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Structures and absorption optical spectra of silicon cluster Si9 via first-principles calculations

论文发布时间:[2009-12-23]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net

所有作者:李哲 陈向荣 兰俊卿 白玉林


论文摘要:Using a finite-difference pseudopotential density-functional theory in real space and Langevin molecular dynamics annealing technique, we perform calculations to determine the ground-state structure of the silicon cluster Si9。 It is found that the ground-state structure of Si9 cluster is a distorted capped hexahedron shape with Cs symmetry。 And then, we implement the linear response theory within the time-dependent local density-functional formalism (TDLDA) to calculate the corresponding optical absorption spectra。 The spectral feature may help to identify isomers and can be used for comparison against future experimental investigations。

关键词: pseudopotential density-functional theory Langevin molecular dynamics annealing technique time-depen

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