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Predicting the Deposited Sediment Volume Case Study Roseires Reservoir

论文发布时间:[2009-11-12]    范文大全    编辑:Voive.net

所有作者:Anwar Adam Ahmed Mohammed Osman

作者单位:College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University

论文摘要:The calculation of the deposited sediment volume is one of the most important tasks in river engineering。 The task is particularly difficult because a number of complex physical phenomena should be accounted。 In this paper the volume of deposited sediment has been predicted for a Roseirs Reservoir in Sudan。 Borland & miller (1958) method was used to predict the volume of deposited sediment using the available data from Roseries reservoir Sudan。 The calculated and observed result shows good agreement。 The loss in storage capacity was 1。064 Mm3 in 2005 and the remaining was 2。176 Mm3 respectively。

关键词: deposited sediment volume Roseires reservoir storage capacity

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