“干旱的英语作文:the best wishes for you”这篇极具参考价值的400字作文由VoiVe.Net收集于网络或会员供稿,版权归原作者所有;本站不承担任何相关法律责任,如有任何问题请及时联系我们。作文大全每日为您更新更多与“干旱的英语作文:the best wishes for you”一样优秀的精品作文,请随时关注本站!你的支持就是我们最好的鼓励!本站会员原创作品,本站及作者共同享有版权,其他网站及传统媒体如需使用,务必请注明作文出处。
At the beginning of 2010,the southwest of china suffer from lacking of water,espacialy for yunnan province,milions of people has not got enough water for common life。 WwW.VoiVe.Net
i am sorry to see all of the photos,which come frome the southwest,but at this moment,contry"s moment,just like 2008 the easqueck of sichuan province,and also at this moment i can deeply feel the hope of china,everyone comes one home,if you have truble,i will be with you。last week,my school,my class,my classmates,bring love and wishes to the people of the southwest。and more and more people,join us。 作文大全VoiVe.Net
my dear friends,we are at your hand,we are brothers and sisters,you are not alone。
just belive us,everything will be better。
we all here,best wishes for you。